As per the subject. What do you all think? Yes we love DPS, but is a full INT rogue the better build now that the update buffed up INT for us rogues?

I tried it and check out these specs.

lv24 rogue equipped with horton and mostly lv21 gear (heroic helm and armour, Agile Heartseekers of Brut, Power ring and Miraculous Bauble.

Str: 65
Health : 2040

Dex: 185
Bonus dmg: 192%
Dodge: 18.92%
Crit: 19.76%
Dmg: 118.0

Int: 142
Mana: 1545

DPS: 212.4
Armour: 643

Now I shudder looking at my DPS now. With full DEX, it is at 285 for me at the moment, BUT this DPS is still much higher than warrior's and only top DPS mages can compete with this DPS.
Health and Mana are obvious upsides and is amazing. I kept rushing by myself leaving the tank behind because I felt so invincible.

What I think could actually make this better than DPS build is that Crit remains high. With Full DEX, I had 22% crit. Now I've only lost less than 3% to still blow the other classes out of the water in crit damage? Now with higher mana, it's easier to build up crit and mix that in with added damage of veil for instance. It may still not make up enough to be the perfect boss killer, but the crit is still there to be abused like any good rogue should do.

Not to mention, the high Mana could make this the perfect bow build which does not rely on DPS like blades.

One down-side is that this build is a little redundant if you're right next to a great tank. With a good tank, a high DPS build is amazing and is better than the INT build.

From my limited experience with this build, I think it might be the perfect bow build since bow doesn't rely on DPS and also a good solo build as you don't have to rely on a tank anymore.

Am I just crazy? I mean a rogue with low DPS being the best build in the game? haha I don't know. But I would say it is the most well-rounded build.