Hi, I'm currently a lv. 13 rogue, and yes, that is a small level, but I would like to take advantage of the free respecs, and create a build which I will build on.

Base Stats:
10 in Strength (I felt very squishy when pve-ing)
40 in Dex (For added damage output)
22 in Int (My skills are key part of my play style, and I always seemed out of mana.)

Skills (12 pts):
Shadow Veil, Armor buff, Attack buff. Great when I need an edge, or when I'm with a party.
Aimed Shot, everything. Deals huge amounts of damage.
Noxious Bolt, +3 sec. Great for boss kills when paired with AS.
Razor Shield, +3 sec. I like close-combat for mobs, and this fit the bill.

Things that I wear (weapons, armor, rings, etc.):
I only really wear what I pick up. I'll focus on getting legendary items when I'm Lvl 20+.

What pets do you guys think fit best with this rogue? I use Barney to ease my general feeling of being squishy, with its arcane power, and I use Flap Jack for its bonuses. Other pets in my possesion right now are Flounder, Guapo, and Deary.

I will post my stats here, if needed.

Right now, I do pve more often, but I also do pvp as a side-activity, so I'm not focused on one of the two as of yet. I generally use many skills do deal most of my damage, but I do also do normal meelee.

If you've read this far, thank you, and I hope that everyone could contribute their ideas on how to improve this build. =)