So ... Idk why.. but for the last time it's really difficult for me to go farm in elite maps.. Cuz i have made a new guild. and atm there r no much players for elite maps.
So .. and i can't go to farm jarl anymore, cuz ppl r just running and killing thoose lepr. guys.. If i go to elite kraken maps with random ppl, then it's really long to wait till someone comes in and mostly some weak mage with 150dps... so it's difficult to do that kind of maps with that kind of ppl.
So i decided, that imma gonna make a post in forum ^_^ With my stats and all the stuff.. So if Anyone wanna go to ELite.. U can pm me and i will go for sure..
Btw, im a lvl 25 Warrior.

Health : 3840
Damage : 157,8
DPS: 180.5
Armor: 954

I think thoose r kinda like top stats.. so didnt wrote all down.

So maby just Pm me, or add me in game and ill be really happy to go for some elite farm, cuz havent done that for a long time..

~ Trande...
Leader of Guild - Xereon -