First, let me say that this post is more of a question, not an attempt at a statement of fact.

I have a concern that the mage Shield skill capability is being diminished by every level cap increase. As each level cap increases, damage output in both PVE and PVP combat does as well, while the mage Shield skill does not, and thus is less effective than before.

In my experience for example in PVP, at level cap 21 a mage with a decent build and gear, while having shield fresh and active could stop a rogue's one hit/crit kill. My experience now, is that I can be and have been one hit/crit to death, while shield is fresh and active. (I understand that this example could be argued against as there are perhaps other variables involved.)

Think of it like this, at level 46, how useful will an extra 500 HP points be relative to what damage that will be dealt. A single auto attack may negate the shield. Or, think if one of your skill's damage at level 26 was the same at level 41, but mob HP was increased, say 3x?

I'm asking if this make sense, and if so, as a correction should the 500 base damage absorbed increase as level cap increases, or it should be made a percentage of something?

(As a counter argument to my own post, perhaps the Extended Shield skill add-on does to some degree, but if so, is it enough? Also, that means that without Extended Shield, the base shield skill is still diminished.)