This week I had most of the week off from work, so rather than having a life (LOL) I spent about 8 hours per day (or around that) playing AL. My main goal was PvP achievements for both kills and flags. So over the course of this time (maybe 40 hours? something like that) I increased my kill total by about 900, while only dying around 650 times. So I now have a record of 3500-2650 -- not so bad I think. I also managed to get around 100 flags in that time and now have around 650 flags.

My question is this: how is it that some players have 10k+ kills and 5k+ flags? Are they just farming them? Judging by my record I'm not a bad PvP player as I have a positive K/D ratio. Maybe if I was perfect then instead of having 900 kills and 650 deaths this week I would have 1550 kills with no deaths. But that is still only at best 40 kills per hour. You just can't get more as it takes time to walk out of the spawn room, engage in a fight, and there are other players on the team who get kills sometimes -- even when you dish out a lot of damage sometimes you don't get a kill as someone else on your team gets it. At 40 kills per hour it would take 250 hours to get 10k kills. That means if someone plays for 5 hours every day it would take them 2 months. PvP has only been out for 2 months, and I see some players with far more kills than 10k even. How is this possible? Are they just farming them with alts and multiple devices?

And flags I don't understand either. At best I can get a few per hour. How is it possible to have many thousands? The shortest complete games (when someone scores 5 goals) take like 20-30 minutes. That means if you get every single flag for your team and nobody else ever gets a goal, you're still looking at like 10 an hour at best. So again we are talking players with 5000+ goals, meaning 500+ hours of playing PvP and making sure to get every single goal every single game? Doesn't seem possible.

Any thoughts?