Only the Best is a pro Pvp guild recruiting good pvpers.

Your level doesn't matter. You just need to be a good active pvper. To join look for me (MrScaryBeary) or a member of the guild. As of right now we aren't a big guild but not too small. There are around 20 members at the minute.
If you are someone wanting to be an officer you have to show that I can trust you w ith this privelage. This is now a rule since an officer had kicked 80 or so members from the guild.

*What will get you kicked*
-Rushing a guild member
-Not meeting the requirements

*If you are kicked and it isn't for one of these reasons or you don't know why you were kicked come to me and I will straighten it out. There have been officers in the past who have kicked someone just because they don't like the person or clicked the wrong name (example: someone logs in/out causing the names to move when you are clicking someone).*