As we all know, STS has to make money somehow.

In PL many players complained that with all of the OP elixirs and turnstyle dungeons, players who spent lots of plat had an easy time doing well while those who did not could not even complete a normal dungeon. It was basically "pay to win". If you spent plat you were pretty much guaranteed to do well.

So in AL they made a big change.... No longer is anything guaranteed if you spend lots of plat. It does better your chances, but nothing is certain. Thus the locked crates.... You have a better chance of obtaining a mythic or arcane item if you open lots of crates, but there is no guarantee.

So which do you all prefer?

1) If you spend lots of plat you are guaranteed to have the best items available and all of the top achievements


2) If you spend lots of plat you are not guaranteed anything, but only increase your odds of getting the best gear

Myself I prefer #2. I prefer a game that rewards not how much you spend, but how hard you work. But others seem to get very upset when they spend plat and don't get the items they want. What do you think?