1 - Why are there asiatic weapons in DarkLegends? The current vampire legend has its origins in the Slavic vampire legend.. I think it should only exist European weapons in the game (I have nothing against Asians). Administrators, if you want to put a thing in the game that has nothing to do with vampire legend, please put a lightsaber and a alien boss (i'm kidding).

2 - Why put a batman clothe in DarkLegends? Administrators will want to put Spongebob clothing in the game now? The game already has a bad graphic to operate in mobile devices,at least he should be more adult, with more blood, with more terror. If I want to play a child's game, I'll play pocket legends (or not).

3 - It would be better if we won the experience per kill. It's not fair I get into a map kill almost all NPCs and other players who are inactive gain the same experience as me. Several games online where is team versus team or team versus NPCs, give exp according to the player's skill.

4 - When I remember I'll only earn 6-20 exp per round I get discouraged. I think most of the experience should come from of rounds and not from work. Level should be earned by skill. The game is full of lv36 with less kills than a lv18 and who understand nothing of the game, they are just noobs at maximum level.