Quote Originally Posted by TheMiraclebird View Post
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Not sure how many MMO's you have played but there are quite a few that there is endless mana... The bard class from DAoC (Twisting was an art form in the beginning) the Paladin Class.. The healer line had a mana regen buff that was set it and forget it. Many MMOs have a endurance line for physical attacks and a mana line for magic attacks and buffing abilities.

I could go before that to Asheron's Call. Stam to mana health to mana.

How many MMOs do you want to go through and the time period in playing each? I can go back to the local BBS if ya want that I played over a 2400 baud modem.. =)

Anyway I digress. The whole issue is it is not neverending. I ran out many times last night. Do I run out more than with my Rogue.. No of course not. Then again you dismissed my cool down timers, but whatever. Mana management. Not just facerolling AS, NB, SP.. repeat which you can do what 2 to 3 times in the span of what one warrior WM?

As far being on point. You point #3 in your OP states that "It could be argued that the warrior has minimal damage therefore it would need a lot of mana to kill a rogue/mage. This is a valid argument but to what extent?" I believe that looking at the AS line is very on point about mana usage.