Just a quick tip to those new people to PvP and want some less deaths....although many of you probably already know this.....I felt that I should post this since it is always very annoying when you get killed with only less than 50% left of hp. Many times I get out of a good fight with good twinks, so I have like 10% left and then someone comes over and kills me. So to eliminate the amount of deaths you get a game...I suggest that you suicide. Yep you heard me right. If your hp is less than 20% and you can't find a heart anytime soon, just go to a whole crowd of zombies in the center and kill yourself Not with light though. Killing yourself with light still gives you a death on the record, so make sure you go to zombies. I'm not saying it isn't fair to be attacked with low hp...just saying it gets annoying..that's all That's just my tip..let me know if you have input. Have fun with PvP