Quote Originally Posted by Destructible View Post
I agree that with how STS is making the game go, it's very well getting further and further from their initial "no pay-to-win' concept. That part i dislike, and so for that I've decided to *ever slowly* wean myself off from the game. The time i spend on STS games have significantly reduced.

But should we complain? Create threads to express our dislike? I don't think so.

If you don't like the game, then just move on. It's not that hard, is it? Many plats have been spent, dollars lost. It's a mistake that you can regret for the rest of your life. Be it still though, its much better to just move on rather than continue pouring out the contents of your wallet in something that you don't even appreciate.
You really don't have to pay to win. You have to pay to have ultra uber rare equips that almost nobody has.

I think it's a fair price to pay to keep elixir or of the game.