Hi guys,
I kinda need some help with the Pally build thinggy.. like the base. I like to ctf/pvp a lot. Thats why I will be needing a lot of help with my pally build and also skills to use. Right now, I really dont know how to kill a bear. For some reason, it seems like I have forgotten how to play ctf. I always die on my Fiery set thats why Id like to try Savage. Maybe savage set will work for me. Any tips will be very2x much appreciated.

About me:
Anglfyr // Lvl 75 // Im using a Savage Set with 170 str and 203 dex
My skills: No debuff, level 1 on revive, the rest are maxed out. // 9991 // 9190// 0999

Thank u so so much!