I have a complain to make to the STS it is this:

I have spent no less than 100 hours may be even 150 , made my mum mad,pissed my dad off and nearly killed myself to lvl up to LVL 26!!!!!

Wow! Am i hard core ? NO! I am the average casual player laboring in order to lvl up before this awesome new expansion and guess what ?

I must say i expected something for reaching lvl 26 .

What did I get? A vanity banner! WOW! how useful?

I didn't even get the 5 skill points i was looking forward to. what is the point of all this ?

I am angry at STS for this I and by the right that i have as their patron I demand a reason.

I know that arcane legends is the prime of STS's games and I certainly agree.

They have awesome updates and wonderful graphics and story lines.

BUT they are sadly tooo money faced . This game is starting to revolve around plat . It is no good. This must change.

I request everyone who reads this to reply and tell me what they think

greatly obliged.

your faithful gaming patron,
Quirkyas(lvl26 rogue)