Hey friends!

I cap my sorcerer now... but i don't think it will be good class... Just look at that blueberrie

Warrior - Mighty heal and defence.. and now... ALFA & OMEGA with the Arcane Weapon...

Rogue - Just.. amazing... great DMG and DPS... but low mana and defence is weaker than warrior

Sorcerer - Good DMG output and DPS... sucky defence... and ofence weaker than rogue

There also build ... Warrior has the clearest skills.. Rogue have also good skills for both PVE & PVP...
But sorcerer... there r dillemma... Yknow... PVE or PVP... the hybrids aren't good as pure PVE builds...

But sorcs has one + They r good if u need mana :P and if we talk about mana... The lifegiver is the most issue skill for mage... Cuz it gives u life and it takes it from u with the mob help

So which is best?... If u look at it from my, little blue point u will see the warrior IMO is, and will be the best class in AL

Why? More life, more DMG, more DPS, (mana? who cares with VB LOL)

So i should change sorc to warrior IMOOOO

What do You all think? Share ur opinions with me in this thread
