Quote Originally Posted by Yakiniku View Post
I'm glad someone with an opinion that matters said it. Of course to be fair, tanking and actually protecting your teammates in pve does take some thought. But I still LOL'ed.

Anyway, thank you Sam for putting your STS presence on this thread. Apart from sub-par shield and Nordr guns, the regen component on Lifegiver is downright useless because it doesn't scale. It was fantastic to regen 50 MP and 100 HP at level 6. Not so fantastic at level 31. Make curse a more attractive choice? Increase duration and add damage over time? Maybe a life transfer to the party upon hit? I dunno haha.

Well now that Sam has at least posted here, this thread can continue in a more constructive manner. Thanks Matanofx for starting the discussion.
its like HP absorb when HIT? ^_^