After bribing Rupert Murdoch, Fox News does a 'fair and balanced' expose on your religious splinter group's unprovoked attack on a great symbol of American Capitalism, calling anyone who mentions the offensive images 'Unpatriotic'. This causes an uproar in the true Religious Right and Glen Beck holds a take back the mountain rally. As your followers are mindless sheep, they join the rallies to protest your church. With the midterm elections in the States approaching and congress's favorability ratings dropping, they decide to divert the nation's attention by declaring the smoldering Walmart a national landmark, and bar any religious buildings within 500 miles of the mountain. They even resolve to use federal funds to rebuild the new Walmart. As I have already collected the insurance from the attack, this allows me to make a huge profit, and all it cost me was a bribe. Walmart still controls the mountain, and I still control Walmart.