Seriously Sam, Carapace, anyone dev listening...

glacian is a simple fix, Add a 3rd spire and increase it's damage OR add a 4th spire and keep stats exactly how they are. How is this even something that needs to be thought about??

You don't have to change Glacian's stats but just add more spires. We're well into this season and this arcane pet which we all worked tirelessly for is not even stacking up to regular pets and the developers don't seem to have any urgency on this.

Let's put this into perspective, you put out mythic weapons and as soon as you realize the bow is underpowered compared to regular items... you immediately give it a BUFF. Now the few hardcore players who own Glacian and who paid 30 Million Gold for glacian (that's a lot of playing time and farming!) and the owner's then find out the pet is no better than malison, and you all are notified yet you haven't done anything? It's just a slap in the face to some of your extreme hard core players.

That's fine if you don't care how we feel... feel free to check out our payment history to see how much money we've supported you in plat sales or how much playing time we log for your game. Sure we're just a few players, but we're some of your most devoted players. If you want us to continue to feel disenchanted by not helping us, that will be another reason to not ever buy plat for your game or to just quit all together. Everyone in my fix arcane pets thread has been pretty patient but it's not even a hard fix that we've asked for AND it wouldn't even over tip the game balance, it would simply make Glacian on par with Malison and let us actually USE these arcane pets. Seriously what a waste of time, money, plat for these pets.

Sorry if it seems we are getting more frustrated now, but it's been weeks since we've notified you that Glacian can't even compare to your regular pets... we've seen no action. At least Hook owner's had it good for a while, Warrior Hammer players have it good now. Sorcerer weapons will be great. But you're arcane pets are not even on par with legendary pets.

This thread.!