Hi Guys this is Serten (Deathblaze's Friend) and Deathblaze and I are leaving AL and the STS Community and moving on.

See you guys around if you know me.Ill be checking every now and then if I had the time.
I was actually not supposed to check anymore but the reason I will be is because I want to know how My friends
Are (Specifically Bekoua and Lalarie).
Lalarie was my first Best Friend in-game and He helped me grow stronger since the 16 cap.And Later on,his other Best Friend,Bekoua,Became my next Best Friend.We became a Trio and started our own guild.Arcane Pirates Yarr.
Im leaving because,
First,The Trio isnt much of a Trio anymore.
Second,I got banned friom the forums
Third,AL has gotten harder since Kraken Isles.Hard to get Money,Hard to be a good player,And Lastly Hard to get good Gear.

Thanks to the Following:

Heroes of Destiny
Arcane Pirates Yarr
In Between Darkness
Arcane Fellowship

Lok-My AL idol
lalarie-Respect & Strength
Bekoua-STRENGTH & Kindness
STS Community-Sugar,Spice and Everything Nice!

Thanks to all of you guys even if I didnt mention you.

So ummm this is it.
See You Guys Around!
Stay Cool!