Quote Originally Posted by Gaunab View Post
No offense but if you are a 76 bird and struggle that much against pallies you either have the wrong combo or are just not playing smart enough. Sure, they can 2hit you, but when you blind first they barely hit anything through that 60 dodge on a bird. Unshielded I can often take them out with a root and a few arrows before they even have a chance to hit their nuke (because of the skilld delay of ice drain and lighting). Good birds kill pallies far more often than they die to them.

Also using drain to demonstrate how OP Pallies are is pretty ludicrous. It has the longest cooldown of all dmg skills, a long delay and gets dodged most of the time anyways. Blast hits for almost the same damage (enough to 1shot intmages and dexbirds without elite ring), does aoe dmg even to people who are out of your 12m range, triggers a deadly combo, pops manashields and regenerates faster.

Its not a certain class or build or skill that is OP and runis the balance of endgame PvP. Its certain stats that are getting too high on multiple class. On birds its dodge and damage (and hit%), on intmages its damage and crit (and hit%), on bears and pallies its dodge and damage and crit. And all classes have too low armor which corresponds with the high damage. Partially thats due to the lv9 buffs or due to the unbalanced gear.
It's not about you and me, it's about balance and judging which class has advantage over other classes, if you're taking it to personal level, then i'd say that top class pallies (atm) do tree hugging always to beat me. If you take the point as they're not op then I'd say I SOMETIME beat l76 elite bow birds with a level 66 xbow set that does not prove elite bow isn't op compared to other bows either.

Also drain isn't the only factor it was just an example, and your assumption that, a bird can dodge drain, lol so a str geared pally can't dodge blast?

I didn't get it, how you get the idea that drain and blast do nearly same damage on each other.

Lets take a skill from each class, the base damage is 600, maybe blast and drain. So when mages 600 damage hit on a bird whose armor is ~220 buffed do the same damage when

birds 600 damage hit on a pally whose armor is more than 400 buffed???

It can't be, pally will hit much harder for that particular shot, that's what I meant in my earlier post.

As far as balance is concerned, I never say that pally op so it's unbalanced, no I said it for those people who blame birds as op even being a pally.