Good morning every body.

I hope that this is the right forum for this.

For the past couple of days, I haven't been able to open AL. Got "Snap" error message "Your profile
could not be opened correctly......................... etc. " I messed with it and messed with it and Googled
questions but, for the most part, I was confused with the answers. Finally, this morning I uninstalled the
Chrome version that I installed the other day. I then installed another version of Google Chrome and "Bingo", that solved the problem. I got on AL and was a happy camper. Then, I put my computer to sleep for a couple of

When I woke it up I went to Google Chrome and opened AL and, crap, there was the problem again. It would
only load to about 90% or so and then it hung. Only this time, I got a "Snap" message which told me,
"Something went wrong while displaying this web page...................etc."

I am using this forum for my questions because it seems that the only apps which won't open are my 2
AL apps "Arcane Legends" and "Dark Legends". My other apps opened, a bit slowly, but they opened.

So, I am thinking that this is a "Space Time Studios" problem which means that they should be aware of the problem and have a fix for it. I could be very wrong about that assumption because this is all new territory for me.

I am at my wits end now. It doesn't seem as though switching Google Chrome versions (again!!!) would
be of any use to me, and because I am not that computer literate, I don't understand the answers I have gotten
from Google Search.

Is anyone here aware of this problem??? Have any of you experienced this and can help me out with it??
I would truly appreciate any suggestions offered.

Thanks all,
Deke, and my rogue compadre Dinella