What has happened to 35-40 pvp?? I was around for the voodoo days and now im back and its either rude kids trying to team u and are rude or its someone crying about your gear or lvl..if a fbow is op then guess what im gonna use it and if u get stomped then maybe u should get with the times and adapt and grab one..I was in the arena last night and I ended up fighting some bear to ten and at first he did the usual "wow luck" thing and then he turned into a complete a hole..called names and got smoked to ten by me and left and came back with mage and died again and then the same with bird and was rude the whole way...then like someones annoying little brother followed me everywhere and wouldnt let me relax..I dont care what people think of this post but thats no way to speak to a lady and any time u wanna take that bear to deep water with me to 10 again ill be around and put up whatever...u know who u are and I got the screenshot of our match dont tempt me..hate to mess up those 16k kills u got...be respectful as I respect everyone thanks