I have a few questions.

1. When the PC version is released, will there be an Anti-Cheat system in place?

As the game grows larger I am noticing the increase of annoying players. More beggars, scammers, whiners, jerks, etc. These people are usually the ones responsible for "______ HACKS" being at the top of a Google search suggestion. I'm not aware of the current profit pool the Dev's can use on PL, so I'm not asking for a huge company like Punkbuster or Hack Shield, but will there be anything? Something with minimal coding that has the ability to at least negate Cheat Engine because I've only come across a scarce amount of members with the ability to code a language. So if Cheat Engine is blocked I am sure there will be no problems in this area.

2. When it is released, will it be for PC, Mac, or both?

I personally have a PC and I'm pretty sure the release will be for PC initially, but I would like to know if it will be available on Mac's as well. I'm positive some players have Mac's and would be interested to know if they could play as well.

3. Botting - Similar to my first question.

Botting is always an issue in any MMO. There isn't any full proof method that I've seen in my years of gaming to prevent this other than Moderators and helpful members who report.

4. In Game Moderators!

With a PC MMO's there is almost always moderators that are hired or voluntarily chosen to become moderators in the game. They are usually the Guinea pigs for the Developers, Event holders, and semi-average players with the ability to blow your account to kingdom-come. I would like to know if any in game moderators will be in the game. I would like to see more events because they usually turn up positive results and make the game way fun. Especially since there is a PvP system in place, I see this as one method to fixing the lack of PvP games in PL as well.

Feel free to ask your own questions in this thread about the PC release if any one else has some questions I didn't mention.