First, I'd like to make it absolutely clear that I enjoy this game extremely much, and that I have nothing but respect for the developers.


You do have some "hardcore" players among your customers, and what in god's name are they supposed to do ?

For almost a week now, I've had three level 30s with the best gear possible, with perfect specs, and more than enough pots, money and loot.
There is literally nothing more for me to do in this game. What so ever.

I understand that you're still fine tuning this game, and you're making radical changes and probably working way more than alot of developers out there.
That is pretty much a given, concidering how frequent you update this game, how much you listen to customer feedback and take the time to respond to us on these forums (and others too).

Yet I still feel as if I've won the game, and this is something that you should never, under any circumstances, feel while playing a MMORPG.

Version 1.1 introduced a ton of great features that made this game better and the upcoming PVP system looks great.
But where in gods name is the content ? I'm constantly checking this game for The Ancient Swamps, but I'm guessing I'll have three level 35s and the best loot possible way before the next dungeon gets here, which again leaves me with ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO INGAME.

We need way more loot, the level cap should be increased by an extreme ammount, and the dungeons should be bigger and feature more levels, more bosses and more variety.
I remember reading before the release of this game that it had "thousands" of different items of loot.
Let's make an example here.
An Axe, let's call it the Spacetime Axe requires level 1, and has 1 strength.
The exact same Axe, with the exact same name and skin, that requires level 2 and has 2 strength, is NOT A NEW PIECE OF LOOT.
I'm guessing, that if you did not use such a easy method to manipulate the loot numbers, the actual number of different pieces of loot would be what ? 100 ? 150 ?

One dungeon, which takes almost two weeks to get out, should not increase the level cap by FIVE, nor have so little loot.

First of all, who in GODS NAME cannot level up five levels in a two week period ?
Secondly, with only ONE dungeon with level 35 loot, and that loot table I'm assuming is as small as the other dungeons, in a week or so every level 35 will be running around in the same gear waiting for the next dungeon.

Again, this is not ok.

Forst Haven Level 1-10.
Dark Forest Level 10-20.
Balefort Castle Level 20-30.
Fathom Crypts Level 30-40.
The Lost Expedition Level 40-50.
The Ancient Swamps Level 50-60.
And so forth.

Add a few more dungeons to Dark Forest, Balefort Castle, Fathom Crypts and The Lost Expedition and alter the loot tables ofcourse (The Lost Expedition drops items level 40-50, while Dark Forest is level 10-20 items).

That's what I can think of to make this game have more content without pumping out another 5 or so dungeons (which would probably take a few months).

I enjoy this game, or else I would not play it as much as I did, The game is great, plays great, and does not feel unfinished. But this game is seriously lacking in content, and I mean SERIOUSLY.

I've spent a fair share of money on this game, and I do not regret it one bit, I've enjoyed playing, but as I said, there is nothing left for me to do, and in a weeks times, I'll be just as stuck as I am now.

Lastly, I'd like to make it clear that I'm far from your average "hardcore" gamer that plays 18 hours per day. I work fulltime, I have a fiance, and a newborn.
I play on the way to work, on my way back from work, while in the bathroom, and an hour before I go to sleep. That's not much, that's infact pretty casual. Although I am effective while playing.
Which makes it even harder to think that I'm as stuck as I am.

Please Spacetime, do something about this.