Should be taken lightly. I'm not demanding or asking for anything to be implemented. However, I will be suggesting ideas.

I found stunlock made mages o.p. back before 26 cap. It was usually what mages relied on. (auto-attack stun, fireball stun, gale stun.)

Although it affected other classes too, the stun immunity impacted sorcs the most. It took away this stunlock ability.

If criticals from aim shot are what make rogues o.p... With the newly implemented feeble effect, maybe that could be applied? Such as feeble after enemies lands a critical for a short period of time? Maybe it could help balance rogues out with sorcs.

For warriors, they dont really have a certain move that is over the top, except in team-fighting. In team-fighting it feels like the one team with most warriors win. This is because of the shields from HoR that can be applied to a whole team. When this happens, its 5 invincible people vs 5 vulnerable for 2-3 seconds. This can make a big difference when it can be multiplied by 5. (10 seconds of invincibility for the whole team) if the whole team is warrior. This means full warrior team is broken. Thats why team with most warriors win. Idk how there would be a fix to it, i'm just drawing attention towards it.