I want to know a few things about everyone on forums! First, whats your favorite video game played? Second, what was the first video game ever played? Third, what is the worst game you have ever played? And finally, what are your current video games you play?
Post your replys below. Remember, everyone is entitled to their opinion, so no fighting.
Ill start

First Video Game: My first video game was Dungeons and Dragons: Tomb of Horrors, I played it when i was 7 back in 2004
Favorite Video Game: My favorite video game I've played has to be either Final Fantasy VII or Bioshock: Infinite
Current Video Games: The current video games I play are COD Black Ops 2, COD Black Ops, PL, AL, SL, Mercenaries, Bioshock:Infinite, GTA 4
Worst Video Game My worst video game I've ever played has to be Superman 64, that game was absolutely horrendous!