When there are multiples of identical items in your inventory list can there be a 'collapse/expand' button so we can switch between this:

(5) Deary's Egg
Esteban's Egg
(2) Jahooty's Egg
(12) Locked Grand Crate of the Watch
Ribbit's Egg
(2) Rocky's Egg

and this:

Deary's Egg
Deary's Egg
Deary's Egg
Deary's Egg
Deary's Egg
Esteban's Egg
Jahooty's Egg
Jahooty's Egg
Locked Grand Crate of the Watch
Locked Grand Crate of the Watch
Locked Grand Crate of the Watch
Locked Grand Crate of the Watch
Locked Grand Crate of the Watch
Locked Grand Crate of the Watch
Locked Grand Crate of the Watch
Locked Grand Crate of the Watch
Locked Grand Crate of the Watch
Locked Grand Crate of the Watch
Locked Grand Crate of the Watch
Locked Grand Crate of the Watch
Ribbit's Egg
Rocky's Egg
Rocky's Egg

I'm sure there are people who have hundreds of full inventory slots who wish they could shorten their lists in this manner.