LORDS OF WAR is a very friendly, mature guild, we love to pve and we do alot of elite runs.. we have over 3000 memebers and we are moving up the top guild list fast.. only real rules we have is no begging for items or gold to guild memeber and no racist names or remarks, and show respect to other. 90% of our players will help you kill bosses, finish quests, answer question. there is no level req, simply because you will eventually lvl up any ways.
to join out guild you can message me,
Percocetz - master

or heres some officers


usually i or a a officer is online, if not here are a few other names to try to get ahold of in game


or u can just ask around some of the towns there is always a guild memeber running around somewhere..

a lil information, most players we have had online was just few weeks ago and i believe was around 150 on at the same time, we are a newer guild compared to so many others but we are filled with dedicated players

please come and join us and experience arcane legends to its fullest potential