After some observation i am getting more and more convinced that the mage's only real purpose is PVE mob AOE damage.

Hear me out please.

Healing --- i'm sorry but against mobs, good warriors and rogues dont need healing and in boss fights a sorcerer needs to get too close to the players that you run into the boss's range of fire which totally defeats the purpose

PVP --- it seems that even the slightest scent of PVE in your build destroyes any chance of PVP success

PVE bosses --- you seem to spend more time avoiding damage than dealing damage

In my opinion:
- make the sorcerer a REAL healer --- or
- make the sorcerer a party buff class --- or
- give them better pvp skills

If PVE mob AOE damge is all the sorcerer has to offer than i think i wont be playing him for long.

My number one choice --- make the sorcerer feel like you are the Priest/Shaman in WoW that buffs, protects, heals and revives everyone...not just a AOE boytoy that a Tank can bring along for his amusement.

Would love your views on this and Sorcerer fans out there...please do rage. Maybe you can convince me otherwise.