There's this new type of Scheme which involves higher leveled player which mid-lvl players should be aware of. I myself have been victimized by this. I don't want others to be a victim like me so i'll be posting this here. Here's what happened.

- A high lvl'd player (usually lvl 29 or above) targets a mid level player (20++) with distinctively decent gear. Esp. with obviously legendary suits.
- He'll try to ask you for a trade with your suit to his other items
- Hell show you items that you cannot still wear due to level restrictions. obviously, these items are have better stats than what you are wearing because they are made for higher lvl'd players
- they'll put in about 2 or more of those items + some warchests to lure you in.
- once you agreed to trade and once confirmed, they'll be gone faster than a lightning bolt.
- upon checking the auction house/CS, you'll find out the the "legendary" items given to you are all crap and what you've given him is worth more than those high lvl items combined.
- as for my case, my winter wonderland suit lvl 21 was traded for a bunch of lvl 29 and 31 items which are really worth not more than 5k in total. On a good day, a decent winter wonderland suit 21 could be sold at 35k or more.
- we all know that grinding and farming at lower levels won't be enough to earn you your first million. not until you can do elites and nordr
- last tip, always check the action house for prices. don't be blinded by the level and the stats given to you.
