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Brigade-Bonded by Blood.

Long, long ago, there was two major lands hidden in the shadows of star legends. This was of course long before blackstar. The villages received the name Litancia and Aragon over time. Villagers in Litania was completely different to those in Aragon. Both villages villages consisting of the strongest warriors known to man. One day, war broke out between the two villages.

The war was so intense, so devastating, nothing like anyone had seen before. Countless lives were lost. That's when a Nobel Men with great powers in prison the villagers between time and space itself. Many believed there was no escape.

The prophecy said that the two villages will see the light once again.

Recently, the villagers broke out, but they saw worst than the war. The world itself had changed.
Shocked by this the Litancians and Aragons came to gather and united , they formed one and became The Brigade. They grabbed on to there old Essence and made a new age a new era.


The brigade is a well experienced and focused guild in pve and pvp. We offer many things to our members. All members are equally the same. Some Things in brigade are exclusive to brigade. We recruit 40+ and our a group of soldiers who are experienced and specialise in pve and pvp.

Laticians and Aragons.

The Latician and Aragon grouping is vital to the guild. Although, the guild is united we do have 2 different groups. Their will sometimes be friendly competitons in these groups. The Aragons will be a Pve group- there you will receive the best possible training and Pve help. The Laticians will specialise in Pvp teaching and training in that. Once you join the guild you will be asked what's your specialty and stats. Then according to that you will be assigned to the group that best suits you.

Ranks and accesses
Once you've joined you are welcomed as a member. Although, to make sure we have loyal members, we do one thing you must do before you have full access. Before becoming an official member and being able to compete in competitions you must be in the guild for a total of 1 week, after this week you will be assigned to one of our 2 guild groups aragon or Laticians. In this guild to gain the recruiter promotion you have to be recognised by the master or officers as being a good solider, don't worry it's easy! To gain officer promotions there will be a process
• You must be a recruiter
• You must be fully trusted and given permission to complete the 'Solider's Task'
• Soldiers task- The soldiers task will have 2 parts part 1 and part 2. Part 1 will be a knowledge test based on PvE and PvP which will be mark by the master and a officer.. Part 2 will be task were you will answer questions based on why do you want to become officer. all answers will be reviewed by the officers then they will vote along with the master. You will need a 80% vote to become officer and 85% in part 1.

In this guild we are well organised most experienced officers will have a role.
These are the available roles and officer can get at the moment. As the guild expands more roles will become available. Any officer with a role will be called an Lieutenant unless you hold a high role position.

• Pve Team- A team of up to 7 people with Pve experience including the Field marshal and his General.
• Field marshal PvE- This person will deal with all the Pve in the guild. He will have the credentials of being most experienced in PvE in the guild
• General of Pve- This person will be 2nd in control of Pve

•PvP Team- This will consist of 5-7 people including Field marshal and his General

• Field General of PvP- This person will have PvP and Cft training and manage those departments

•General of PvP- This person will be 2nd in command of Pvp

•Field Marshal of Social Events- This person will look over the events in the guild whether it's a competition or lottery.

•Financial Field Marshal - This person will watch over the finance of the guild including our budgets and money spent on Competitons.

Activities and Resources

In this guild we include fun in our agenda. This means we Socialise on a regular bases. This is what we have in the guild:

• Competitions: This also includes group Competitons. the Competitions will either be planned by the officers or suggested by the guild.
• Training days in Pve and PvP: these will be announced nearer to the dates.
• Guild Meetings- Guild meetings will be held whenever needed and will be announced before.

We have many other things in store that will come along as the guild continues. Currently we will give what we can without exceeding our limitations.

1. No Drama, report the situation to any officer and NO one else.
2. Stay together and have fun, no disrespecting each other.
3. No scamming
4. No Spamming
5. Listen to Officers who are reinforcing the rules.