I was in an argument with a friend about which is better: High Lvl pvp, or low lvl.

I said high level. He says low lvl. He said low level pvp'ers are rich. I said high level pvp'ers are skilled. Needless to say, we aren't friends anymore.

But anyways, onto the actual thread. I have played High lvl pvp. I have played low lvl pvp. I have played mid level pvp. The difference between high level pvp and low-mid lvl pvp.... FBOWS!!!!

I have played since long before FBow's existed. And I remember when low level pvp was fun. I also remember a time when the majority of players didn't spec stats to dex to be able to use FBows >.<

High level pvp, you see a LOT more people using their classes natural stat. More mages use int. more bears use STR. Birds still use dex.

But seriously.... Are FBow's REALLY that good? That they have to change the entire game? I mean, instead of Voodoo set mages, we have voodoo armor and helm, with an fbow, mages. Really??? This kind of thing frustrates me. Why has the game mechanics changed so much over a single weapon? End game players, they don't do that. Obviously, you have warbirds, dex bears, and palli's, but the thing about them.... they ALL have half and half. Or usually. But low level, a dex bear is completely different from an end game dex bear. end game is half STR, half Dex. Low level, it's ALL dex. just for the ability to use an FBow.

I made a bear recently. Level 10 twink. And guess what? It's more closer to the old lvl 10 twink bear than this new crap. Using a duckfoot, lvl 5 armsman armor, 6 rage, and 3 stomp. and ya know what? I can rage, auto, stomp and kill anything using anything. Except for the fact that.... FBow's turn on the auto and kill me before I can stomp.

But anyways.... I ramble and carry on too much. But another thing to bring up before I close out this thread.... Do the people working for gold to low lvl pvp work harder, or do the ppl working for end game, to play with skill (and then work on the skill) work harder?

So, now the thread is closed. I would like your guys' opinion.... Is low level pvp better, or high level? Which works harder for what they are and do?
