Quote Originally Posted by Blastyou View Post
Not entirely true; my 20 talon bear can beat all but the best fbow users at that level. The real issue is that new players don't even TRY fighting without fbows; they either assume it's impossible or give it a shot once or twice before returning to their shiny OP bow. I think if people worried a bit less about the numbers on their profile and a bit more about increasing their skills with different weapons, we would have much less of a problem with fbows. Yes, they're extremely overpowered, but they aren't the end of the world. Most people will fight you with your weapon of choice (talon, paw, xbow, etc); only the really new players will insist on an fbow fight.
Not even extremely overpowered, the reason why the fbows win is simply because of the hit percent debuff it has. This is probably also the reason why a 20 bear can beat an fbow bear most of the time, simply because the hell scream debuffs the hit%. I bet if they just removed the procs from the new weapons, complaints would decrease by ALOT.

And to the people who think you must have fbow, you don't. Most decent PvPers (bears) can talon any fbow simply because of the added crit% pushing it over 50%, and at that threshold it seems to crit ALOT more than 49%, 48% lol. It makes no sense but once you try it, you will see. Well at least we can talon them until the hit debuff activates.