Quote Originally Posted by Cahaun View Post
I love Skyrim, but I'd like it more if lots of the things didn't seem like they were dumbed down from Oblivion. Trying to be a pure magic person in the game is just terrible, and the amount of spells you have in the conjuration category is despicable when comparing it to the amount of ones you can in the fourth Elder Scrolls. It has many things that I didn't like, but they're all good to play in the end. If it's possible for them to do so (which they very can), I'd like to see Mysticism come back.

PSN: Abekrie
Quote Originally Posted by Roberto077 View Post
Off-topic. Oblivion was better than Skyrim in my understanding.

I believe Dudetus knows Skyrim pretty well if you need a few hints.
Pfft, I miss acrobatics the most....