Hello yet again!

First of all, as much as I would like to refrain from posting topics like these, i was just dumbfounded by what I found out earlier.

as a background of the story, I have a guild mate/friend which is a fellow warrior. We are both lvl 31 and here are our items.

Weapon • Devourer Maul of Potency lvl 31 • (same)
Helm • Bonechill facemask of Savvy 31 • Champions helm of will 31
Armor • Noble Plate of Will 30 • Champions Plate of will 31
Ring • Glowstone Hoop of Assault 31 • (same)
Jewel • Arcane Pendant of Potency 31 • Divine Pendant of Assault 30
Pet • Malison lvl 15 • Malison lvl 12

Personally, Item wise, I think I have the upper tiered gears compared to him since the only item (IMHO) he has which is better than mine is the Jewel though the diff is not that big since its for lvl 30 and mines for 31.

However, I am dumbfounded to found out that:
He has more HP than mine (mine is 4649 while he has about 4800+ both unbuffed)
His damage is higher by about 5.0+ than mine
His DPS is higher than mine by about 3.0 or more
His armor is higher than mine by about 30+
The only thing I have that is higher than him is mana (I have 1000, he has only 900)

I don't know how it happened. I am a pure STR warrior with maxed out damage, might, and durability.
As far as I know, a warriors HP and damage is only affected by STR.
I can't see how on any way he has more HP, armor, and damage than mine considering the items we are both wearing.
We even tried exchanging and wearing each others items but I only got as high as 4730 HP something while he had 4.6k++ wearing mine.
I did not have the opportunity to ask his stats since he got DC'ed and went offline but the last thing he said was he ain't pure str and placed a bit of int for mana.

The question are as follows:
1. How come that I with no stat pt delegated to int, have higher Mana than him?
2. Does other stat aside from STR affects a warriors damage, armor, and DPS?

Thanks for your opinions. This game never fails to amaze me in one way or another. Just when I though I already know how it works, I find another thing that baffles me. like this one.

again thanks for your incoming inputs.

will also post this thread to Gen. Discussion for a more diverse variation of opinions.