Hello Alterra! Hope you are all having a wonderful day! I have decided to create a new guild for the players who love the Pocket legends app, i habent seen the original guild ambassadors of alterra in a while so i created a new guild "Ambassador Of Alterra" and hoping to get all the old and friendly players to join in and help out the community, it would be nice to recieve a Community Shield on my acc as well for helping out quite a bit over the years, this is my first post on the forums but not my last, i have been playing pocket legends since 2010 and never got bored of it, i would also like to thank the sts for giving me this game, i habe bought well over 11,000 plat in pl, again thank you sts, and thank you PL players, if you are interested in joining msg me or if you see my fox online (master of AoA) pm me and ill be glad to help you out, my foxes name is "COQKIE" see you in alterra! Have a good one!

truely, Peo.