Hi all! I have a level 24 (at the moment) bear and need some help on finding some gear for my character! My first main question is where can I find a reaper blade for level 25 or lower? I asked someone I saw in-game using one where he/she farmed it and they told me to F off (

Also need some info on where to find good level 25 equipment for my bear. I have mostly strength, but splashed a few dexterity points as well. I have 70+ STR and 40+ DEX, going to stop strength at about 160 or so and put rest into dexterity. I don't have much gold, I spent most of it on getting a lot of heal and mana potions, only have 3,068 gold at the moment so buying gear is currently out of the question, so best areas and best maps for the area would be great if anyone knows.

The priority here of course is the reaper blade, not the savage scythe set I hear so much about I can't afford or even farm or wear that yet so that's out of the question so if anyone knows where I can farm/find a good scythe for level 25 or lower would be awesome to know, I am willing to put hours into farming one if need be!

Thank you guys so much in advance, wouldn't even have to post if that guy/girl in-game wasn't so rude and could've answered a simple question! Thanks again, it's much appreciated!!!!!!
