I'm still trying to reach level 50 with zero deaths. I'm playing in frozen nightmares when my iPad tries to connect to a wifi network I was unaware of. (I was playing on 3G.) I should have told it not to connect but in my rush to get that popup out of the way I told it to connect. I knew that was gonna be bad news and immediately start to run away from the bad guys and spam health pots...all to no avail, lag hits, and when I regain control I'm dead as a doornail.*

So here is the weird part. I look at my avatar and there it is clear as day my first death after 3000+ kills. Disgusted, I close pocket legends by tapping the home key. I turn off my wifi and then open PL again and find myself ALIVE right where I was before I died...and I had this moment of glorious hope that perhaps my death really didn't happen since it reconnected to where I was BEFORE the death...but nope, when I checked the avatar... There it was. Ugh.

I think I am gonna give up....lol

On the bright side I made Lvl 28 and the leader board. I had some help though, more on this later...