Quote Originally Posted by Fusionstrike View Post
People get frustrated because you guys use this all or nothing strategy that's ultimately self-defeating. It alienated the loyal community when it would have been so easy just to maintain a low-level of support to keep the game alive. That's certainly far easier than building out a whole new game and community, which is what you keep foisting on yourselves. You completely ignore the existing game, which makes the community back off and reduce its investment in the game, which creates lower revenue and "justifies" the lack of attention...even though it was the abrupt withdraw STS itself did that set the whole chain in motion.
This is another type of feedback that we call a "sweeping generalization". Your recent memory has no updates, so you claim that we "never" update the games and that we have abrupt withdrawals. Here are some figures we pulled recently about how many updates we have done on our games:

PL updates (2010-04-03 - 2013-05-16) 346
SL updates (2011-07-20 - 2013-05-20) 135
DL updates (2012-04-11 - 2013-04-22) 67
AL updates (2012-11-02 - 2013-05-16) 65

We have still been updating our games (we added two new classes to PL this year!), just not as frequently as you would like. And this has allowed us to stay in business. We want to stay around too guys. We're still here, and still listening. Thanks for the fantastic conversation!