I just feel like if you've ground one level that requires 26k XP...you shouldnt have to do it again...

I ground 31 at 26k XP..and now I have to do it again for 36...to be honest, if it wasn't for the mythic quest requirement, I wouldnt even think about it. Just kinda lame...IF you're going to require that much XP for a level, there should be other ways to get it besides "go to this map and kill the same things over and over and over again." Maybe a more diverse quest line that rewards XP for quests rather than gold...There's already tons of ways to get gold...I feel like instead of the 1.2k gold I get for collecting lanterns or killing shadowmancers, maybe u can give us 300-500XP like you do for ulfang/uberman.

And while i'm at it...rather than making elite maps, i'd rather devs spent slightly more time and made 5 DIFFERENT maps...Why do we need slightly more difficult versions of the same maps? Why cant each expansion just have more levels, and more maps that are DIFFERENT rather than just recycling the same content and making it a little harder.

Also, I feel like there should be a guild bulletin board in the guild halls...maybe a CS too...Paid 50 plat for the GH and we get nothing for it...