Hai fellow Endgame PvPers. I am a noob on my Bird. Simply put....I SUCK! Since it is FREE Respec, do you think this build for dex is good?

I have elite bow set and talon set

300 Dex rest on str
Full Dex


Whatta bout skills?
9 Buffs (DUHHHHH :P)
9 Shattering Scream (For debuff and maximize the damage with the combo)
9 Blast Shot (Duh!)
9 Blind Shot (Maximize Debuff)
9 Single Root (Maximize Dodge debuff
5 Avian Scream (To get out of root, freeze, and other stuns)
2 Repulse Shot
4 Root Wall (lvl 3 gives 8m range and lvl 4 gives 10m range so I went for 4 to get more range)
1 Break Armor (I don't see it as so important)

Give me any sort of feedback! Be as candid (truthful). I NOOB ON BURD! Thanks to all who posted.