Since forgotten items were introduced a little more that a year ago, are you saying PVE was crap before forgotten items were a part of PL. And god!! How did ppl manage to level before them!!![/QUOTE]

And let it be know that this topic was not about pvp is was started when others started saying sts has better things to do like fixing pvp.

Did I say they where NEEEDED lvling items? No I said they made lvling easyer can you manage without them yes you can. Did you blow up somthing that was not really that big of a deal? Yes you did dualy noted though but moving on. Exaggerating? No but moving on still. pve players cry more then pvp player? If you counting beggers and spammers yes by a lot they do but regular players don't though much like I would not count players like that on pvp I'd hope you do the same. BUT AGAIN MOVING ON. NOW Pvp players running pl for pve players? In a few ways Acutuly but yah I'm ending that right there though this topic is about a guild hall not pvp