Quote Originally Posted by Trenton View Post
I'm actually quite surprised at the immaturity of some of the others in here. I'm not really one to talk, and I'm not supporting either side, but just because someone calls a few people some names doesn't exactly give everyone on forums the right to gang up and trash talk on the one troll, does it? I thought alot of people would've handled it better, apparently not. And pls correct me if you're allowed to be just as immature just because someone else does it.
Fortal likes to harass individual players he holds grudges on. Anyone who isn't supporting him, he harasses as well. Honestly, he's a detriment and the fact that he can do this so often & troll like he does... it's disgusting. Really, people should see his chat in PvP sometimes as well.

Believe what you may, but the argument didn't originate in this thread. Like I said, he purposely instigates for his own personal grudges & he will continue to instigate on other threads. Notice how this was just a guide with constructive comments?

As old as a player Fortal is, looking at the date.. he would've known that this in an outdated build. Why he does this? I don't know, I hardly even check the PL side of forums anymore.