Hello all! I am new to Arcane Legends but am not new to Spacetime Studios. I used to play Pocket Legends daily, but found Arcane legends to be more interesting with its pet system and ability to charge attacks for maximum damage output. In Pocket Legends I was quite the Mage fanatic so decided to build a sorcerer here. I started on a rogue to gather gear and am currently level 10 but getting ready to delete her to build my sorcerer when I realized I can't transfer my Haze dragon over to my sorcerer I spent a lot of platinum to get him under the impression that I could transfer him and when I found out otherwise I was quite disappointed. So I am going to sell my rogue gear, delete her after stashing my items and gold and start my sorcerer and try to get another 90 platinum from free offers to get my Haze back

I have a question. What is a good PvE build for a sorcerer here on Arcane Legends? I am unsure how many skill points I will have at the end of my build as I am unsure about the max level here on Arcane Legends. I am thinking however that I will try to do something like this: Max Fireball, Max Frost, Max Heal, Max Mage Armor and put whatever I got left into Lightning and if any left toss the rest into Time and Gale. What would you guys do for a good PvE build? I like to solo and I like the challenge of pure intelligence builds so that is the route I will be taking after I gather the platinum to get my Haze dragon back.

So my main question is, what is a good PvE build for a sorcerer that's new to the game that will be able to solo SOME areas if not most, and be able to UB3R-PWN bosses and mobs in mass aoes, LOL!

Thanks for any information you can provide to help in my quest to build an UB3R-PWN1NG sorcerer with the dragon pet :P

- Milli Vanilli