I've heard people always talking about how "there's not enough banner variety" and "my countries not on a banner!". Well I have the solution, CUSTOM BANNERS *cue heavenly music* Keep in mind that this feature would need to be monitored, because there's always that one guy that would make his banner genitalia... you know who you are . So if you spotted something inappropriate on a banner, you'd just report it (most likely with a screen cap) Also another way to implement this new feature would be a tab to browse new and trending user-created banners. Along with the option to create and browse your own masterpieces. An option to sell them would screw up the entire balance of the economy so don't think that would happen... Now trust me, if STS implemented this my mind would explode. It would be no easy task to get it working right, but I just thought I'd contribute a little more to the suggestions part of the forums .