Hello friends, enemy's and acquaintances. As most of you are aware there have been recent complaints of me scamming. I will be explaining everything

To start of with I'd like to say I regret everything and have reflected on everything that has happened in the last couple o months. It started of with when I started the game, I used to have a friend I made a year ago when AL started who helped me level and everything, made me welcome in my first guild and brought me some "Noob" Equipment. I was totally falling for him, he was my idol and everything. I could trust him with 100m.

But what I never new was whenever I looted a nice item, he told me to PM him first, and this is the thing, he made me sell it to him very cheap thus loosing me gold. You see I know how stupid i sound but it is very true, i never knew how to work CS. One time when HammerJaw was released he said it would be cool if i opened a few crates for him. I looted Hammerjaw and to my surprise never knew the worth of this Arcane egg. I told him, he got very excited and told me it was worth 200k, I agreed because I trusted him. Then I told another friend I looted and he offered 11m for the egg, I was like OMG and told him i sold 200k. He then told me that was a bargain so i told about everything else i sold and as your probably know he said it was a Bargain to. I then waited furious for a week for my "Apparent first friend" to come on. I never saw him again.

This made me boil with rage and greed mixed with complete anger. I was so annoyed I wanted revenge.

The following part are my confessions.

I confess to trying to steal Emma and Jon staff.
I confess to trying to steal Midas touch gold.

Those are the only 2 scams i have ever tried, no more. Any other accusations are false.

My reputation was spoiled due to greed, It all went down the drain. Word got around i was booted from my guild and never accepted into any other guild. My friends deleted me and i only had a couple loyal ones who didn't knew I tried scam attempts. I was alone from that point, no friends, no guild and very depressed.

I accept all the hate posts that are following but I want you to think before you post.

I regret everything that happens, you know can fully see what jealousy, anger and greed can bring people so low. I regret EVERYTHING and wish I just went back to the old days were my reputation was good and I had caring friends and a loyal guild. I know people will never trust me again but you must now know.

I am never going to do anything that low again.

ps: I am sorry to anyone i have ever hurt You don't know how much i hurt now.

Peace out, Yours truly,
