Well, I wanna stay open minded about this, so I started a thread to discuss it.

I personally don't like twinking anymore, I I'll list a few reasons below, but I wanted to ask everyone else what they thought as well.

I twinked a pretty long time ago, when a few people like Barb and Twink started introducing it and kind of advertised for it. So I got gear, and made an int bear, and a dex bird, with top gear. It was fun, I liked it, you would have other twinks, that were a challenge at times. Then you had the level 18 people that didn't buy the other expansions who were but a breeze to kill. After a while, it got a little boring, just because the level 18s would call you a hacker then run off all the time. I stopped twinking for a while, then went back to it. When I went back to it, I saw more twinks, less level 18 noobs. It was kind of fun, but it didn't stay like that for long.

Eventually all those games got overridden by level 50 people, having suckish twinks, walking into pvp, and bragging about how they had a level 45-50 character, and that this was just for fun and that they are pro at high level pvp blah, blah, blah. I wouldn't find a whole bunch of people like that....at first....but then the numbers increased. It got full of d-bags bragging about how pro they are, and egotistical mynas gens trying ti show off.

After the other stat balance, fights started taking longer, bears got harder to kill, archers got harder to defend from, and mages were still, well, mages to an extent.

I don't like twinking anymore, I pretty much gave up on it, and gave away/sold all my twink gear. I believe I kept 1, a dreamers darkbolt blaster twink gave me for my birthday

Anyways, I mainly made this thread to discuss what twinking was, and now is. So any
feedback on others opinions?



Excuse the title please, lol, I wrote "twinks are done" then I tried putting "are twinks done" but I didn't really read it, I just kinda typed it and moved on lol. Sry.