I'd like to request an explanation about the recent act of permanent banning the emails belonging to the following characters: 1)Madnex, 2)Drewzee(registered through 1)email, 2)facebook account).

This, along with the device ID bans of both, have occured sometime around yesterday afternoon. Except from the one email response that did not explain anything, only asked what the original complaint was about, there have been no further replies to the following questions/requests. This one "response" was sent rather quickly after the ban by the mod Gnosis.

I'm going to wait for another day or two for a satisfying resolve of the matter before I consider other possibilities. I understand that you are legally not obligated to explain, so failing to give an answer will be credited yet again to the inactivity of the forum moderating team on SL. I know this game is the least profitable one, but that doesn't explain why there are no signs of mods checking this even once in a month.

I will PM a forum admin about this, in hopes this problem gets solved the easiest and fastest way possible. Shall a forum or game admin/moderator see this, the reply can either be sent here, in personal messages on the forum or in any of the email addresses of the two accounts listed at the top. Thanks for your time.