This is my story.

I almost got scammed by a random player a few days ago.
I asked an mage item for 800k. He said he would buy it, so we went into trade room.
We both put the item and 800k, so I confirmed, at the moment, he sent PM, asking 'Is that for mage?'.
So I typed 'Yes', then came back(When I type PM, keyboard covers screen, so I couldn't see anything while I was typing) to confirm.
After first confirm, I checked his gold again but he had only 80k. Obviously he changed the price while I was typing, and he was a pro-scammer because all process was so smooth.
So I asked him the price is different, then he left the trade room, and left the town.

Here is my point.
After he left, all I could do was typing '/report his name'
But in the way, all i can do was just a report, no explain about what he did or anything even he was so pro.

So please make another better way to report scammers in the game. I know we can't stamp scammers out of the game, and players are primarily responsible for trade, however, we need better system for report, especially for scams.

Thank you.