Quote Originally Posted by cheeniviepl67 View Post
Before my first tourney match lol.
Lmk ;D
Quote Originally Posted by dudetus View Post
Buying leveling service plz.

Am too lazy to lvl 51-56.

Quote Originally Posted by OccultFormula View Post
What type of elimination will this tourney be with 12 teams?
3 tiers of 4 each. The top 3 from each region will randomly be put together, say team #1 and #2 fight each other team 3 fights winner. If team 1 wins again they win it all and team 2 and 3 fight for second place.
Quote Originally Posted by Sheugokin View Post
I would help noob, but I am forbidden to play until tonight! Sahri !
Quote Originally Posted by IGN Storm View Post
Sold. Contact Cheenivie