I'm currently looking for friends to run elite with. I'm by no means a pro elite runner but I'd like to learn by doing. My main reason isn't setting record times or APs but loot, getting gold in this game short of spending a pretty penny in Platinum is somehow getting loot people want and elite is it.

I have a guild but only a minority seem willing to run anything beyond the Dead City quest line and sadly the good stuff is in Shuyal, Nordr and some Kraken.

I'm a warrior lvl 36
With lvl 31 mythic weapon, upgraded mythic armor and helm and epic ring/pendant.

Skills are SS, WM, HOR, VB, JUGG and Rally cry (may drop soon only seems good for catching up in jarl farming and running to hermit on Elite fenix)

My IGN is Fauksuras
Add me or post here.